To compare the diagnostic capapbility of the spectral domainOCT Nerve Fiber Layer to the Humphrey Visual Field in patientswho are POAG suspects or have frank glaucoma.
A retrospective analysis of humphrey visual fields and correlatingspectral optical coherence tomography was performed in 37 patientsaverage age 64.7 years old (+/- 12.7), 69 eyes, in glaucomasuspects or glaucoma patients over a 4month period. The populationincluded 12 eyes being monitored as POAG Suspects, 24 eyes withpreperimetric glaucoma, 15 eyes with early glaucoma (mean deviation>-6.00) and 18 eyes with moderate to severe glaucoma (meandeviation <-6.00).
HVF pattern standard deviation and mean deviation correlatesignificantly (p<0.0001) with exam c/d ratio, SD-OCT nervefiber layer average, SD-OCT nerve fiber layer superior average,and SD-OCT nerve fiber layer inferior average. In general, theregression analysis fits specral domain OCT data better whencomparing PSD than MD.
The Optivue SD-OCT is a clinically useful diagnostic tool indetecting glaucomatous NFL damage in POAG suspects, preperimetricglaucoma and frank glaucoma as demonstrated with the correlationin NFL thickness to mean deviation and pattern standard deviation.
Keywords: imaging/image analysis: clinical • visual fields