Purpose: :
To investigate relations between asthenopia and ocular functions or watching adaptation in watching 3D television.
Methods: :
98 adult healthy subjects (age 22 to 51 years) participated in the study. Asthenopia was evaluated with scores at 5 minutes and very 20 minutes after 52 inch LED 3D TV (Samsung, Korea) watching TV for 60 minutes. 3D watching experiences were surveyed with questionnaire. Distance and near lateral phoria were measured using Howell phoria card and vertical phoria using Maddox rod. Distance and near fusion reserve were measured using prism bar (Luneau Ophthal., France). Asthenopia in watching 3D TV was analyzed with 3D TV watching experience times, amounts of heterophoria and fusion reserve.
Results: :
Asthenopia by 3D TV watching showed a tendency to decrease with watching experience time increase (r= 0.19, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference of asthenopia between phoria groups in distance phoria, but asthenopia for an exophoria with vertical group was significant higher than the other phoria groups and orthophoria group in near phoria (independent t-test, p < 0.05). In both distance and near fusion reserve, higher lateral positive fusion reserve group and lower vertical fusion reserve group had significantly higher asthenopia than lower lateral positive reserve group and higher vertical fusion reserve (independent t-test, p < 0.05).
Conclusions: :
In 3D TV watching, increasing of watching experience times can make relief of asthenopia due to adaptation in vision, and near exophoria with vertical phoria and lower vertical fusion reserve can be causes of asthenopia.
Keywords: binocular vision/stereopsis • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: prevalence/incidence • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: health care delivery/economics/manpower