Purpose: :
To describe management of Idiopathic Retinal Vasculitis, Aneurysm, and Neuroretinitis (IRVAN) Syndrome.
Methods: :
A 7 year-old patient was followed-up from her initial presentation of floaters to decreased vision OU secondary to IRVAN Syndrome through a 4 year period.
Results: :
The patient presented with multiple aneurysmal dilations, retinal vasculitis of the optic disc OU, and hard exudation OU. Visual acuity OD began to decrease, with the circinate hard exudation infringing on the central macula and becoming confluent superiorly, with macular edema. With continued observation over the next year, the patient’s visual acuity OD improved with a decrease in macular edema and hard exudates.
Conclusions: :
Observation should strongly be considered as an option in IRVAN Syndrome, in spite of visual acuity, if the patient does not exhibits any capillary nonperfusion or retinal neovascularization.
Keywords: retinitis • pathology: human • retina