Purpose: :
To determine the retinal thickness in an Ecuadorian population sample, and determine the influence of the demographic and anthropometric variables.
Methods: :
Through a cross-sectional study we measured the retinal thickness in 32 healthy volunteers who had a normal ophthalmologic examination. We measured the demographic and anthropometric characteristics. The ring area, total macular volume and the average of the retinal nerve fiber layer with the four quadrants were all measured with the use of Optic Coherence Tomography. For the analysis we used T-test, Pearson Correlation, Linear Regression and the data was compared with the reported literature.
Results: :
32 workers from the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital were studied. Their demographic and anthropometric characteristics and the Optic Coherence Tomography`s reports are found in the table 1. The age had a negative correlation with the retinal thickness, being more significant with the superior quadrant r=0.5 (p=<0.001). The nasal quadrant of the right eye was 21.56 micros bigger than the other eye (p=<0.001). We did not found an association with the other studied variables. The fourth table shows a comparison between the 95 % confidence interval found in our study with those reported in other studies.
Conclusions: :
The negative correlation between age and retinal thickness and the difference in the nasal quadrant between the right and the left eye have been reported in other studies. The small sample could explain why we did not found an association with the other variables in our study. The observed differences in retinal thickness when compared to other populations need to be validated.
Keywords: imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound) • retina • nerve fiber layer