Purpose: :
The SCORE Study consists of 2 multicenter randomized trials investigating the safety and efficacy of standard of care versus intravitreal triamcinolone to treat central (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). In the SCORE Study, participants with HRVO were considered a subset of BRVO. We present the Fundus Photograph Reading Center (FPRC) baseline evaluation of HRVO from color fundus photographs (FP), fluorescein angiograms (FA), and optical coherence tomograms (OCT) compared with CRVO and BRVO baseline features.
Methods: :
The SCORE FPRC definition of HRVO is a retinal vein occlusion involving either the superior or inferior hemisphere where the retinal hemorrhages are nearly equal in the 2 altitudinal quadrants (nasal and temporal aspects) for the involved hemisphere. HRVO characteristics at baseline are evaluated using three modalities: FP for the area of retinal thickening and area of hemorrhage within a 16 disc area ETDRS grid; FA for the area of leakage within the grid; and OCT scans for center point thickness.
Results: :
Baseline FPRC evaluation of all 48 HRVO participants represent a subset of the BRVO participants. 682 participants (271 CRVO; 411 BRVO) were enrolled from November 2004 - February 2008. The number of inferior and superior HRVO is nearly equal (25 superior; 23 inferior).For paricipants with HRVO, the mean area of retinal thickening is 9.9 disc areas (DA)(CRVO 12.3; BRVO 7.5 DA) and mean area of retinal hemorrhage is 4.4 DA (CRVO 3.7; BRVO 2.9 DA) within the grid. On FA, the mean area of fluorescein leakage within the grid is 8.3 DA (CRVO 10.9; BRVO 7.0 DA). OCT shows a mean center point thickness of 580µm for HRVO (CRVO 658um; BRVO 524um).
Conclusions: :
In the SCORE Study, comparison of baseline characteristics between HRVO versus CRVO and BRVO revealed that the mean areas of retinal thickening , fluorescein leakage and center point thickness on OCT were between the values for CRVO and BRVO participants. However, the mean area of retinal hemorrhage was greater for HRVO participants than for both CRVO and BRVO participants.
Clinical Trial: :
www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT00105027
Keywords: vascular occlusion/vascular occlusive disease • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials