Purpose: :
To characterize the peripheral retinal findings in highly myopic children less than 10 years of age who are presumed to be at risk for retinal detachment.
Methods: :
We retrospectively reviewed the charts of all cases of children less than 10 years of age with high myopia (> 6.00 D) who were examined for presumed risk of retinal detachment by either an exam under anesthesia (EUA) or clinical exam by one vitreoretinal surgeon from January 2001 to the present.
Results: :
31 eyes of 17 patients with high myopia were examined. 17 eyes of 9 patients were examined under anesthesia due to the inability to adequately visualize the peripheral retina during an office exam. Mean age of exam was 5 yrs (1, 10). Mean refractive error was -14.00 D (-6.75, -25.00). Peripheral retinal findings were identified in 11/31 eyes (35%). The most common peripheral retinal findings included White Without Pressure (6/31 eyes, 19%), Lattice Degeneration (4/31 eyes, 13%), and an Atrophic Hole (2/31 eyes, 6%). Posterior pole pathology was identified in 16/31 eyes (51%); the most common being Peripapillary Atrophy (11/31 eyes, 35%). 10/31 eyes (32%) showed normal fundi.
Conclusions: :
Approximately one-third of highly myopic children in our study demonstrated peripheral retinal findings, some of which may warrant treatment to prevent vision loss. If the peripheral retina is not adequately visualized during an office exam, the child should be examined under anesthesia to identify any potential peripheral retinal pathology.
Keywords: retinal detachment • myopia • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: prevalence/incidence