Purpose: :
To assess the temporal expression profile of the FRMD7 gene during the development of murine brain, lung and heart tissue.Background: Mutations in the FRMD7 gene are known to cause some cases of Congenital Idiopathic Nystagmus (CIN). Little is known about the pathophysiology of CIN or the function of this gene. Studies have indicated very low levels of gene expression in most human tissues with highest levels found in kidney. Results obtained using in situ hybridization have localized some expression to structures in the developing human embryonic brain. Funding for this research wasmade possible by the Nystagmus Network and the Gift of Sight appeal.
Methods: :
Heart, lung and brain tissues were obtained from MF-1 mice at 11 developmental time points between embryonic days 11 and post natal day 8 and from adult mice. cDNA was extracted from these tissues and the relative expression of mRNA was calculated using quantitative real-time PCR techniques with GAPDH and ACTB normalising genes.
Results: :
Expression of FRMD7 was found to be low in all three tissues with no significant variation seen in heart and lung tissues between ED11 and PD8, although there was a significant rise in the adult samples. However a significant increase was observed at ED18 in brain tissue.
Keywords: nystagmus • gene/expression