Purpose: :
Genetic dissection and functional investigation of the cellular elements of the rod pathway.
Methods: :
We analysed retinas from ~500 different mouse lines of the Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas project. In order to find retinas in which the different cell types of the rod circuit are labeled with GFP, we performed immunohistochemical staining and two-photon laser targeted electrophysiological recordings from whole mount and retinal slice preparations.
Results: :
We identified transgenic mouse lines in which the different cell types of the rod pathway, including the AII and the A17 amacrine cells and the rod bipolar cells, were selectively labeled with GFP. 2-photon targeted patch-clamp recordings from AII, A17 and rod bipolar cells in the whole mount retina revealed two different subtypes of A17 amacrine cells with distinct functional properties.
Conclusions: :
The set of mouse lines in which the cellular elements of the rod pathway are selectively labeled allows one to target each cell type for physiological recordings. This approach led us to identify different subtypes of A17 amacrine cells with distinct dynamics and function.
Keywords: retina: proximal (bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells) • retinal connections, networks, circuitry • electrophysiology: non-clinical