Purpose: :
To evaluate and quantify the metabolic effects of a single intravitreal Kenalog (commercial triamcinolone acetonide) injection on blood glucose levels in rabbits.
Methods: :
Ten NZW rabbits of the same age were divided into 2 groups: Five rabbits were treated with intravitreal Kenalog (4mg/0.1ml) injected into their right eye (Study group), and five rabbits were treated with intravitreal injection of 0.1ml saline to the right eye (Control group). Serial blood glucose measurements were preformed 3 and 4 day's before the injection and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 days after intravitreal injection.
Results: :
Glucose levels were higher in the rabbits injected with Kenalog compared to the control group injected with saline. A statistically significant difference in glucose level between treatment and control groups was found on day 1 (171.00±14.37 vs 148.40±8.47; P= 0.02) and day 2 (166.20±5.26 vs 156.00±5.57; P=0.02) after injection and borderline statistically significant differences in day 3 after injection (162.80±8.70 vs 154.40±2.79; P=0.07). At longer periods of follow-up (up to 10 days) glucose levels were similar in both groups (p>0.1).
Conclusions: :
A single intravitreal Kenalog (4mg/0.1ml) injection induces an elevation of the blood glucose during the first 3 days after injection. This supports the assumption of a systemic absorption of kenalog in rabbits.
Keywords: injection • drug toxicity/drug effects