Purpose: :
To determine whether abnormalities of increased or decreased fundus autofluorescence (FAF) exhibit local changes in density of macular pigment (MP) in patients with age-related maculopathy (ARM) and macular degeneration (AMD).
Methods: :
FAF imaging and measurement of macular pigment density (MPD) was performed through dilated pupils using a modified confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (HRA, Heidelberg Engineering, Germany) according to a standard protocol. Two-wavelength autofluorescence method was employed for determination of MPD. Image analysis and MPD measurement at the site of altered FAF was performed manually using Heidelberg Eye Explorer Software. Mean values of MPD at the site of FAF abnormality were compared to an adjacent location with normal FAF of the same image.
Results: :
In total 55 eyes of 53 patients (mean age: 74.6 ±8.7 years) were included into this analysis. 30 measurements of increased local FAF were grouped in Group 1, 30 measurements of decreased local FAF were grouped in Group 2. Mean MDP in Group 1 was 0.080 ±0.081 density units (DU) at the lesion and 0.080 ±0.073 DU at adjacent normal FAF. Group 2 showed mean MPD of -0.015 ±0.097 DU at the lesion and 0.057 ±0.077 DU at adjacent normal FAF. Lesions of decreased FAF revealed significantly lower MPD (p=0.001), while the site of increased FAF showed no significant difference in MPD compared to adjacent normal FAF.
Conclusions: :
Focal increases of FAF due to ARM or AMD did not lead to change in local MPD, presumably leaving the retinal layers containing MP unaffected. Lesions exhibiting decreased FAF showed significantly lower local amounts of MP.
Clinical Trial: :
www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT00494325
Keywords: macular pigment • age-related macular degeneration • imaging/image analysis: clinical