Purpose: :
To establish normative data for macular thickness (MT) and macular volume (MV) by Cirrus HD-optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California, USA).
Methods: :
Retrospective case series of 192 eyes of 192 subjects (age 20-90 years) without retinal disease or surgery with best-corrected visual acuity ≥ 20/25, intraocular pressure < 21 mm Hg, and cup-to-disc ratio ≤ 0.5 were enrolled. Retinal thicknesses in nine Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study subfields (including central subfield thickness (CST)), MT, and MV were measured with Cirrus HD-OCT. Effects of age, gender, lens, and diabetic status on these measurements were analyzed.
Results: :
The mean ± standard deviation CST, MT, and MV were 262.4 ±22.8 um, 281.3 ±14.5 um, and 10.1 ±0.6 mm3, respectively. Although CST and age were not associated (p=0.45), both mean MT and MV declined with age (p<0.0001). CST (p=0.002), mean MT (p=0.021) and MV (p=0.041) were all higher in men compared to women. Neither lens nor diabetic status affected CST, MT, or MV.
Conclusions: :
Normative CST, MT, and MV values were obtained by Cirrus HD-OCT. We propose CST ranges from 216.8 to 308 um in normal eyes. Older age and female gender were associated with thinner macular thickness.
Keywords: imaging/image analysis: clinical • macula/fovea • aging