Purpose: :
To report the efficacy of transconjunctival mitomycin-C as an adjunct to needle revision of encapsulated filtering blebs.
Methods: :
Prospective interventional case series vs retrospective control chart series. Thirty two patients (34 eyes) undergoing bleb needling after bleb encapsulation by a single surgeon at a single institution.IOP was measured in all eyes that underwent needle revision with a 30-gauge needle. In 18 eyes transconjunctival mitomycin-C (0.4 mg/ml) was applied by means of a sponge left in contact with the conjunctival surface for 3 minutes ( Group MMC). The results were compared with charts 15 patients (16 eyes) undergoing needling without mitomycin-C ( Group NOMMC) . Complete success was defined whit 18mmHg IOP or less without the use of medications, failure was defined whit a IOP measurement of 21 mmHg or higth with medications. The IOP measurements were compared with the program SPSS 15.0.
Results: :
Mean preoperative IOP in the MMC group was 26,56 +/-4,03 mmHg, which was reduced at 1 month, 6 monts and 12 monts to a mean postoperative IOP of 13,38 +/-4,67 mmHg, 14,13 +/- 3,64 mmHg and 15,19 +/- 4,62 mmHg respectively and in the NOMMC group, preoperative IOP was 26,80 +/- 3,27 mmHg the reduction was to 16,00 +/- 5,59 mmHg, 16,67 +/- 1,79 mmHg and 17,67 +/- 2,55 mmHg at 1 ,6 and 12 months respectively with a p value of 0,85 for preoperative IOP, 0,16 at 1 month, 0,021 at 6 months and 0,077 at 12 months . Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed a probability of continued success at 12 months of 0,90 for MMC and 0,85 for NOMMC p value 0,089.
Conclusions: :
Transconjunctival mitomycin-C may enhance success of needling procedure in encapsulated Bleb.
Keywords: intraocular pressure