Purpose: :
To estimate the annual incidence and clinical associations of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Scotland
Methods: :
Since 1st of November 2007 we have initiated and co-ordinated a national, multi-centre, prospectively recruited, population based study where every case of primary RRD presenting to one of six vitreo-retinal surgical sites in Scotland is examined and approached for study inclusion. Through rigorous validation of case ascertainment, this database represents > 96% of all operated cases of RRD in Scotland over a two year period.
Results: :
A total of 1,202 patients were newly diagnosed during the two year study period from a population of 5,168,500 yielding an annual incidence of 11.65 per 100,000 of population (95%CI= 11-12.30). The mean age at presentation was 58.53 years (SD+/- 16.24) with a M:F ratio of 1.5:1. The highest incidence was found in people aged 60-70 years (33.62/100,000). The incidence of horse-shoe tear RRD was 6.72/100,000, round hole RRD was 4.62/100,000, retinal dialysis was 0.64/100,000 and giant retinal tear RRD was 0.20/100,000. The macula was attached in only 42% of cases. 54.3% of cases were myopic (>-1D). One in five presenting cases was pseudophakic. Independent of known risk factors, RRD incidence is associated with social affluence.
Conclusions: :
Based on these findings, primary RRD affects over 7,200 people in the U.K. annually, with approximately 1,500 cases in pseudophakic individuals. RRD is strongly associated with age, myopia, male gender, pseudophakia and socio-economic affluence.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: prevalence/incidence • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: natural history • retinal detachment