Purpose: :
Facial nerve paralysis can cause varying ocular symptoms and corneal injury due to lagophthalmos and ectropion. Pretarsal weights are often placed to facilitate lid closure. Extrusion, allergy, over and under-correction are possible complications.
Methods: :
We present a retrospective review of 21 patients with varying ocular symptoms (including irritation, pain, and tearing) as a result of their paralysis, who were treated with a banked fascia lata resuspension procedure.
Results: :
The average preoperative and post operative lagophthalmos was 6.3 mm and 3.1 mm, respectively. Postoperatively, symptoms improved in all patients. There were no extrusions or reactions to the banked fascia lata. There was one case of wound dehiscence. Three patients had simultaneous gold weight placement, and one patient had one placed after the primary procedure due to significant upper eyelid retraction.
Conclusions: :
Fascia lata resuspension with accompanying lid tightening may be used as a primary procedure in patients with symptomatic paralytic ectropion and lagophthalmos.
Keywords: neuro-ophthalmology: cortical function/rehabilitation • cornea: tears/tear film/dry eye • keratitis