Purpose: :
Acathamoeba sp.
Methods: :
Amoebae A. castellanii (Neff strain) on 4th day following subculturing were exposed to 3 contact lens solutions: SoloCare Aqua, ReNu MultiPlus, Opti Free and purified water as control, in volume of 0.8ml or 1ml of the substances tested or purified water and 0.4ml or 0.1ml of the amoebic culture (in proportion 2:1 or 10:1, respectively).
Results: :
Evaluation of the counts demonstrated significantly higher overall number of amoebae in samples with contact lens care solutions than in the control. The proportions of trophozoites to cysts were lower in the studied samples in comparison to control.
Conclusions: :
It was striking that no amoebicidal effects of the tested contact lens care solutions have been revealed; simultaneously, a tendency to encystment of Acanthamoeba was observed. Our results indicate, that protective effect of contact lens care solutions against Acanthamoeba castellanii is insufficient.Importance of compliance with the other recommendations reducing the risk of exposure of cornea to amoeabae should be emphasized to the contact lens wearers.
Keywords: Acanthamoeba • keratitis • contact lens