Prolapsed subconjunctival fat is a benign condition in whichorbital fat herniates through a diaphanous Tenon’s capsule.A variety of surgical techniques are available for the repairof prolapsed subconjunctival fat, however, to date all describedtechniques utilize suture repair, with or without prolapsedfat resection. We present a new small incision, sutureless surgicaltechnique for the repair of subconjunctival fat proplase.
This was a retrospective interventional case series performedby a single surgeon at a single institution. Four eyes of threepatients who presented with prolapsed subconjunctival fat weresurgically repaired using a small incision, sutureless techniquewith fibrin glue. This technique uses a 3mm conjunctival incisionand exposure of prolapsed fat. The fat is repositioned posteriorlyin the orbit and fibrin glue is applied to the scleral bed.The fibrin glue creates an adhesion between conjunctiva/tenon’scapsule and sclera, effectively preventing anterior migrationof fat. No prolapsed subconjunctival fat was excised duringthis procedure.
The surgical treatment of orbital repositioning of subconjunctivalfat utilizing a small incision, sutureless technique with fibringlue was successful in all four eyes. There have been no casesof recurrence of prolapsed subconjunctival fat with a mean follow-upof 26 months.
Small incision, sutureless repositioning of subconjunctivalfat using fibrin glue is an effective, new surgical techniquefor the management of prolapsed subconjunctival fat.
Keywords: orbit • wound healing