Purpose: :
To determine the clinical differences between sclerosing orbital inflammation (SOI) isolated to the orbit and SOI manifesting as multifocal fibrosclerosis (MFF) when associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis, mediastinal fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, and/or Riedel’s thyroiditis. While large studies of isolated SOI have found that it is essentially a unilateral disease with no sex predilection, most often affecting people in their 30s to 50s, no large studies of MFF-related SOI have been performed due to its rarity.
Methods: :
Case Series:
Results: :
Case series:
Conclusions: :
SOI in the setting of MFF is often bilateral and associated with an elevated ESR. As orbital disease may precede or coincide with extra-orbital involvement, investigations including chest and abdominal imaging, liver and kidney function tests, ESR and thyroid stimulating hormone should be obtained in cases of SOI to identify potentially life-threatening systemic involvement.
Keywords: orbit • autoimmune disease • inflammation