Purpose: :
To compare the efficacy of intrastromal injection of Natamycin combined with topical Natamycin to a standard therapy (topical Natamycin) in a rabbit model of Fusarium keratitis.
Methods: :
Fungal keratitis was induced in the right eyes of 12 NZ rabbits by intrastromal injection of Fusarium suspension into the cornea. Rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group 1 received intrastromal injection of Natamycin on treatment day 1 and 4 combined with topical Natamycin given hourly for 2 days followed by 4 times daily. Group 2 received topical Natamycin at identical interval. The eyes were examined on treatment days 1, 4, 7 and 11. The extent of keratitis was graded by the following parameters: size of infiltrate and epithelial defect, corneal clouding, vascularization and hypopion. At study termination the corneas were examined histopathologically.
Results: :
Keratitis developed in all eyes. In both groups clinical improvement of keratitis was recorded. Infiltration size was statistically smaller in group 1 (P=0.023). No differences were found as for conjuctival hyperemia, corneal clouding and hypopion. No adverse reactions were found as for the intrastromal drug delivery.
Conclusions: :
Intrastromal injection of Natamycin combined with topical Natamycin is an effective treatment for Fusarium keratitis.
Keywords: keratitis • fungal disease • cornea: stroma and keratocytes