Purpose: :
Evaluate the role of clinical trial participation in patient satisfaction after multifocal IOL implantation (MFIOL).
Methods: :
112 patients that received bilateral MFIOLs were divided into two groups. First group (n=32) included patients who participated in clinical trials. Second group (n=80) included those who didn’t. Overall-OS, distance-DS, intermediate-IS, near-NS and night vision satisfaction-NTVS was assessed using a scale from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied).
Results: :
No significant difference in age, residual error, postoperative visual acuity (uncorrected or best-corrected) at distance, intermediate and near between groups. NS was significantly higher in clinical trial patients-CTP (8.5 vs 7.9. P=.015). Although CTP showed overall higher satisfaction scores; no significant differences was found in other parameters.
Conclusions: :
Trend shows that CTPs tend to be more satisfied than non CTPs. This factor must be taken in consideration when reflecting the clinical trial results onto the general population.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology • refractive surgery: comparative studies