Purpose: :
To compare the macular area in Fluorescein Angiography (FA) and Retinal Thickening in Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD OCT) in diabetic patients
Methods: :
42 eyes of 27 patients were examined using FA as well as SD OCT at the same time (Spectralis OCT©, Heidelberg Engineering). Late phase (7-10min) FA images and OCT raster scans were evaluated for the presence or absence of macular edema (ME) regarding 5 mm the fovea and the same area of retinal thickening with retest mode of Spectral OCT tracking system.We considered as ME in SD OCT when thickness was ≥ 301µm and in FA, when leakage was present within 3 mm diameter of the center of the fovea. This area was subdivided into 4 quadrants as in SD OCT Thickness Map (superior, inferior, temporal and nasal).On FA "focal ME" was considered when leakage up to 3 quadrants was detected, and "diffuse ME"when leakage was present in 4 quadrants. On SD OCT we analyzed the values within the 3 mm diameter area at the retinal map analysis. We also analyzed the correlation within 3 OCTranges:Group A (no ME): ≤ 300µm, Group B1: 301 - 500µm, and Group B2: ≥ 501µm. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi square test.
Results: :
42 eyes of 27 patients with 2 diabetes were included. Mean age was 62.3 years (range, 28 - 81 yrs). ME was detected by OCT in 22 (52%) eyes and among those, 15 (68%) eyes by FA (p <0.05). OCT showed no ME in 20 eyes (47,6%) and among those, 11 (55%) eyes showed no leakage on FA (p<0.05). Group A: (20 eyes) 11 (55%) eyes showed no leakage on FA (p<0.05).Group B1: (19 eyes) 13 (68%) eyes showed leakage at FA. Group B2: (3 eyes) 2 (66%) eyes showed leakage on FA. There was no statistical difference between OCT and FA on the other 4 studied subfields
Conclusions: :
SD OCT is more sensitive and specific than FA in the detection of ME in diabetic patients but disparities in the detection of either presence or absence of ME between OCT and FA was equally pronounced in the 3 OCT thickness range.hackFixResize()
Keywords: edema • diabetic retinopathy • comparative anatomy