Purpose: :
To evaluate macular thickness alterations with OCT after phacoemulsification and posterior champer intraocular lens implantation.
Methods: :
In this prospective study, 227 patients who underwent phacoemulsication (117 male and 110 female) with mean age 66(±11) years were included. Best corrected visual acuity, complete slit lamp and fundus examination and OCT were performed in all patients before surgery and at one, three and six months postoperatively. Patients were divided into four groups according preoperative examination: Group 1 (control group-127 eyes): patients without any predisponding factors for CME, Group 2 (37 eyes):patients with diabetes Group 3 (38 eyes):patients with epiretinal membrane, and Group 4 (25 eyes): patients with glaucoma.
Results: :
The mean foveal thickness (MFT) in group 1 was 202±25 µm and after 1 month increased to 212±41 µm (p=0,016). No significant changes were found at 3 and 6 months compared to the preoperative values. In group 2 the initially MFT was 217±38µm and increased significantly to 255±81 µm, 243±70µm 234±44µm at 1, 3 and 6 months respectively (p<0,05). Compared to the control group the MFT in group 2 was significantly increased throughout the follow up period (p<0,001).In group 3 the MFT was found to be increased from 220±40µm preoperatively, to 242±58µm the 1st month after the surgery [p=0,01], to 230±35µm and 226±39µm at 3 and 6 months after the surgery [p<0,001] and significantly increased (p= 0,026) compared to the control group at all times of evaluation. In group 4 the preoperative MTF was 212±49µm and at 1, 3 and 6 months was 244±83µm, 231±60µm and 222±53µm respectively [p<0,05]. The differences detected between the groups 1 and 4 were significant throughout the six month follow up period (p<0,001).
Conclusions: :
Diabetes, ERM and glaucoma are important predisposing risk factors related to significant increase in post-cataract macular thickness which may limit the final postoperative visual acuity.
Keywords: edema • macula/fovea • imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound)