Purpose: :
To report our findings after a four years follow-up study, in a group of infants treated with antiangiogenic therapy for retinopathy of prematurity a few weeks after birth
Methods: :
We performed a prospective, logitudinal follow-up study in premature patients with stage III, thereshold, prethereshold, plus disease and IVa few weeks after birth. Neovascular regression, anatomical findings, functional test, neurodevelopmental outcome, refraction and antropometric measurements were recorded.
Results: :
We included 18 eyes of 13 patients, we found neovascular regression in all of the patients, normal vasculature growth in the ones that had stage III, pre thereshold, thereshold and plus disease, one psatient in IVa presented spontaneous retina attachement, we found no abnormalities in neurodevelopment and antropometric measurements, retina function was conserved 4 years after the injection, assesed by ERG , refraction and visual accuity, We found prevalence of myopia in treated patients
Conclusions: :
Antiangiogenic therapy as a treatment for retinopathy of prematury seems to be a safe and effective therapy at a 4 years follow up in this small series. This study may move us closer to a better treatment to this devastating disease
Clinical Trial: :
www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT00346814
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications • infant vision