Purpose: :
The purpose of this study is to successfully use the iFS 60 kHz Femtosecond laser to create a consistent anterior curvilinear capsulorrhexis in the Pig eye model
Methods: :
After being sacrificed for another study, 14 eyes were removed from 7 pigs at the time of their death. They were immediately put on ice. Three hours after sacrifice, eyes were taken to the Refractive Surgery center at Lackland AFB.Prior to laser treatment, anterior chambers were flattened by aspiration of aqueous with 25 gauge needle.The iFS laser 120kHz was set on IEK mode. A posterior side cut was set with an anterior depth of 300um and a posterior depth of 1200um. The diameter of the cut was set for 500um.After being docked on the laser, corneas were further compressed to allow laser to reach intended treatment zone.After laser treatment, each eye was immediately placed in formalin.For each eye, pathology slides were obtained. Three levels were taken with 20-30 microns between each level. Tissue stained with H & E, PAS, and one level left unstained.
Results: :
13 eyes underwent laser treatment. One eye was discarded due to trauma to the eye while being removed from pig and was thus not treated.We were successfully able to create capsulorrhexis in many of the eyes. Specific data on number of eyes with successfully created capsulorrhexis and those with collateral damage are currently under investigation.Information on collateral damage to surrounding tissue, ie cornea, iris, lens will be reported.
Conclusions: :
The importance and relevance of being able to create a consistent 5.0mm would be very useful for improving cataract surgery. This is particularly true in complicated surgeries such as those with poor zonular support, pediatric cataracts (creating anterior or posterior capsulorrhexis), patients with small pupils, centration for premium lenses.In our study we used a wide range in our side cut (1200-300 um) = 700 um because this was our first time attempting this procedure with the iFS and wanted to maximize our chance of catching anterior capsule. Future studies will attempt to minimize destruction to surrounding tissues and better isolate the anterior capsule. This data will help us tailor our settings in future attempts.
Keywords: refractive surgery: other technologies • refractive surgery