Purpose: :
We have previously noted that Fat4, a member of the protocadherin adhesion molecule family, is dynamically regulated at the closing edges of the optic fissure during eye development, suggesting a potential role in the pathogenesis of a potentially-blinding ocular malformation, uveal coloboma. Here we investigate the role of Fat cadherins in early ocular development (EOD) and optic fissure closure (E10.5-E12.5) in mouse.
Methods: :
Fat protocadherin mRNA expression was evaluated in mouse at three developmental time points using RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. The ocular phentoype of Fat1-/-and Fat4-/-mice was examined histologically and molecularly.
Results: :
Conclusions: :
Fat cadherins are dynamically regulated in time and space during EOD, with expression patterns consistent with having a role in optic fissure closure. Ongoing work includes molecular characterization of both mutant mouse lines and assessing the role of Fat1/Fat4 in the fusion of the neuroepithelium at the optic fissure.
Keywords: cell adhesions/cell junctions • development • genetics