Purpose: :
To describe two cases of intraoperative spectral domain imaging of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment following tamponade with perfluoro-n-octane.Introduction: Complex retinal detachments are often managed with heavy liquids such as perfluorocarbons to tamponade the retina during vitrectomy surgery. In order to identify changes in the retina architecture, we imaged patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment using intra-operative spectral domain optical coherence tomography.
Methods: :
Two charts were reviewed. Images were obtained pre-operatively, after tamponade with perfluoro-n-octane and after silicone oil placement. Post-operative images were also obtained and reviewed.
Results: :
Retinal detachments were confirmed on pre-operative imaging. After injection of perfluoro-n-octane, the retina in both cases appeared to be re-attached. On spectral domain OCT, residual subretinal fluid was identified in both cases. The foveal contour was identified on spectral domain OCT. After silicone oil placement, imaging revealed residual subretinal fluid. In one patient, the residual fluid had resolved on imaging by 3 months, while persistent subretinal fluid was present in the other patient at 2 months.
Conclusions: :
Despite perfluoro-n-octane tamponade, residual subretinal fluid can be identified intraoperatively using spectral domain OCT. This residual subretinal fluid may explain why some patients have more prolonged recovery following rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.
Keywords: retinal detachment • imaging/image analysis: clinical