Purpose: :
To determine whether Cochlin overexpression in the trabecular meshwork (TM) using lentiviral vectors in congenic DBA/2J (Gpnmb+) mice leads to elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) and optic nerve damage.
Methods: :
Congenic DBA/2J mice (Gpnmb+; n=10) at the age of 5 months subjected to intracamarel injection of a lentiviral vectors (Cochlin or GFP) in the TM. IOP measurements were carried out using the Tonolab. Cannulation method was used to verify Tonolab IOP measurements. At the age of ~9 months the eyes were enucleated and subjected to assessment of optic nerve damage using para-phenylenediamine (PPD) staining. All studies were performed adhering to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Research.
Results: :
The eyes subjected to the lentiviral cochlin injection showed elevated IOP compared to control GFP expressing eyes. The cochlin overexpressing eyes also showed optic nerve damage compared to the controls.
Conclusions: :
Overexpression of cochlin in the TM of the congenic DBA/2J mice (Gpnmb+) eyes results in elevated IOP and optic nerve damage compared to controls.
Keywords: intraocular pressure • optic nerve • protein structure/function