To detect differences between optical coherence tomography /scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (OCT/SLO) retinal images in patientswith choroidal melanoma as compared to choroidal metastases.
We performed a retrospective review of charts, photographs andOCT /SLO images (Ophthalmic Technologies Inc., Toronto, Canada)of 5 patients with choroidal melanoma and 4 patients (5 eyes)with choroidal metastases.The images were studied for the presenceof orange pigment, retinal edema and RPE irregularities.
Choroidal melanoma: Mean age of the patients was 63 years, therewere four AJCC-UICC staged T2 and 1 was T1. OCT/SLO imagingrevealed a neurosensory detachment in 20%. We found retinalpigment epithelial (RPE) thickening in 60%, RPE clumping in80% (in all 4 patient who had orange pigment over their tumors),RPE thinning in 20% and retinal edema in 20%.Choroidal metastases:Mean age of the patients was 70 years. OCT/SLO imaging demonstratedneurosensory retinal detachment in 60%, RPE thickening in 60%and RPE clumping in 20%.OCT/SLO imaging was found to be of valuein differentiating choroidal melanoma and metastatic tumors.Orange pigment was seen as RPE clumping over melanomas on OCT/SLOimaging. Neurosensory detachments were more common in choroidalmetastatic tumors.
This study suggests that OCT/SLO imaging may provide uniquediagnostic findings that may be used to differentiate betweenchoroidal melanoma and metastatic choroidal tumors. Larger morecomprehensive study of our findings is warranted.
Keywords: melanoma • imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound) • tumors