Purpose: :
To describe surgical intervention for the management of ocular graft. vs. host disease (GVHD).
Methods: :
30 consecutive surgical cases and the surgical techniques in acute and chronic ocular GVHD were reviewed from the Ophthalmology Section in MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Results: :
25 Cases of pseudomembranous/membranous conjunctivitis removal of symblepharon and acute membranous conjunctival tissues, 2 case of SLK removal with amniotic membrane patch graft, 3 cases of amniotic membrane graft for stage IV acute ocular GVHD were performed. Surgical techiques included in-clinic procedure, major OR procedure, and the use of Prokera amniotic membrane are described. All patients were able to undergo the procedure without complications, infections, or worsening ocular conditions.
Conclusions: :
Surgical interventions in ocular GVHD patients are described. Stem cell transplantation patients with severe systemic GVHD can safely undergo ocular procedures in the acute systemic GVHD setting.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials • conjunctivitis • cornea: tears/tear film/dry eye