Purpose: :
NeuroVision’s NVCTM technology is a non-invasive, patient-specific, perceptual learning program based on visual stimulation and facilitation of neural connections at the cortical level, involving an internet-based computer generated visual training exercise regime using stimuli based on Gabor patches, to sharpen contrast sensitivity and visual acuity. Children with highly progressive Myopia often use under-corrected eyeglasses, due to: improper prescription, intentional under-correction or simply due to the high progression of their Myopia. We evaluated the efficacy of NVC treatment in the enhancement of under-corrected visual acuity (UC-VA) and contrast sensitivity function (UC-CSF) in Myopic children in Singapore.
Methods: :
33 children aged 7-9 having a myopia refraction of at least -1.0DS in both eyes (mean cycloplegic SE of -2.88D, range -1.0D to -6.00D) completed NVC treatment over a period of 3-4 months. During the course of treatment, subjects were prescribed with eyeglasses that are 0.5D under their full manifest refraction.Investigations included manifest and cycloplegic refraction, axial length measurements, Under-Corrected (1.0DS) VA and CSF
Results: :
Mean UC-VA before treatment was 0.47 logMar, improving by 0.22 logMar to 0.25 post treatment. UC-CSF at 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 18 cpd improved as well from 40, 43, 30, 8, 2.5 at baseline to 70, 110,100, 35, 12 at the end of the treatment. Changes in cycloplegic refraction (-0.47D) and Axial length (0.177mm) were within the expected Myopia progression for this age group.
Conclusions: :
Results of the NVC treatment suggest that this technology is able to improve under-corrected VA and CSF in Myopic Children. The long-term implication on Myopia progression is now under investigation.
Clinical Trial: :
www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT00348218
Keywords: myopia • visual acuity • contrast sensitivity