Purpose: :
The purpose of this observational study is to report the findings of tilted disc syndrome by means of OCT and mf-ERG.
Methods: :
Twenty three eyes of 14 patients with tilted disc syndrome (group A) were prospectively examined. Patients in group B (40 eyes of 21 patients) were age-matched control subjects. All patients underwent complete ophthalmological examination, including best-corrected visual acuity, tonometry, fundus examination, OCT and mf-ERG recording. Thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer along a 3.4-mm-diameter circle centered on the optic nerve head was evaluated using third-generation optical coherence tomography.
Results: :
The mean foveal thickness measured by OCT in groups A and B was 237.3 µm (SD 43.62) and 169.47 µm (SD 10.167) respectively. The difference was considered extremely significant (P=0.0001). The mean retinal response density (RRD) in groups A and B was in area 1 was 10.4387 nV/deg² (SD 4.04) and 22.09 nV/deg² (SD 0.9) and the difference was considered extremely significant (P=0.0001). Group A had significantly thinner average nerve fiber layer in superior retinal area (P=0.004).
Conclusions: :
Significant increase of retinal thickness of the macula and decrease of its electrical activity occurs in eyes with tilted disc syndrome. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first time a case series of tilted disc syndrome are documented by means of OCT and mf-ERG. These are the only tools in order to assess objectively the anatomical and functional damage accordingly.
Keywords: macula/fovea • electrophysiology: clinical • imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound)