Purpose: :
Very little is published in the literature regarding the pathology of graft rejection in pediatric penetrating keratoplasties despite a very high rate of failed transplants. In order to investigate a possible etiology and pathogenesis, we histologically analyzed five sequential failed grafts from patients with an original diagnosis of Peters Anomaly.
Methods: :
Five cases of graft failure following corneal transplantation due to Peters anomaly were analyzed. Formalin- fixed, paraffin-embedded corneal tissue was stained with hemotoxylin and eosin and reviewed.
Results: :
All grafts showed varying degrees of stromal inflammation and iris incarceration. 100% of the failed grafts showed presence of retrocorneal membranes, and 100% had absence of endothelial cells.
Conclusions: :
In these failed corneal grafts, all had variable degrees of stromal inflammation. All grafts had evidence of retrocorneal corneal membranes and decimated endothelial cells.
Keywords: cornea: clinical science • pathology: human