Purpose: :
To report a novel hexon-chimeric intermediate human adenovirus (HAdV) 22, 37/H8 in Japan.
Methods: :
A total of 12 isolates were obtained from patients with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) at four different hospitals during 2003-2007 in Japan. The isolates were identified as HAdV-8 or 37 previously. The nucleotide sequence of the full-length hexon and fiber genes of the isolates were determined, and were compared to those of 51 prototype strains.
Results: :
1. The restriction pattern of the viral genome of the all isolates showed a different restriction pattern from the HAdV-8,-19a and 37 prototype strains. 2. The sequence of the hexon (ε determinant) Loop-1 and -2 regions showed the highest nucleotide identity with HAdV-22. 3. The sequence of the hexon conserved region 4 was completely identical to that of HAdV-37. 4. However, the nucleotide sequence of the fiber knob was identical to that of HAdV-8 prototype strain.
Conclusions: :
This virus is a new hexon-chimeric intermediate human adenovirus 22, 37/H8 and an etiological agent of EKC in Japan.
Keywords: adenovirus • conjunctivitis • inflammation