Purpose: :
To evaluate the depth of the anterior chamber in patients who underwent artisan lens implatation with OCT Visante and Orbscan II.
Methods: :
A descriptive, observational, comparative study was made. Files of patients who underwent artisan implantation during 2007 were included. Only files with a complete artisan IOL follow- up protocolized record by the Cornea Department were included. We divided the patients in two groups. Group I: comparison between preoperative and postoperative anterior chamber depth (ACD) with Orbscan II was done. Group II: comparison between Orbscan II and OCT Visante after surgery was made. All patient had at least 3 months of follow-up after surgery. Anterior chamber depth was considered from the posterior surface of the cornea to the anterior capsule of the lens using anterior chamber caliper with OCT Visante device and the reported value from Orbscan II indexes.
Results: :
A total of 18 eyes (10 patients) were included : 8 women, 2 men. Age X= 33.6 years old (range 27 - 49 years). Group I: Mean preoperative anterior chamber depth = 3.17mm ( 2.88-3.55 mm )and Mean postoperative = 2.97mm ( 2.69-3.35 mm)(p=0.05)Group II Depth of anterior chamber with Orbscan II = 2.97mm ( 2.69-3.35 mm) and OCT Visante was 2.90mm.(2.68-3.23 mm) (p=0.19).
Conclusions: :
There is no difference between OCT Visante and Orbscan II for ACD measurement following Artisan implantation, but pre and postoperative difference of the same patient with Orbscan II were observed
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: systems/equipment/techniques • imaging/image analysis: clinical • intraocular lens