Purpose: :
To compare the corneal epitheliotrophic capacity among different blood-derived preparations.
Methods: :
Cultured bovine corneal epithelial cells were incubated with different blood-derived preparations, including (1) adult human serum, (2) human cord blood serum, (3) human fresh frozen plasma and (4) fetal bovine serum. Cellular proliferation, migration, transepithelial resistance (TER), transepithelial diffusion, and scanning electron microscopy were compared. ELISA was also performed to determine the concentrations of glucose, albumin, EGF, PDGF, EGF, TGF-β1, fibronectin and electrolytes in different blood derivatives. Western blot analysis was performed to determine the expression of cell junctional proteins, including E-cadherin, p120,α-catenin, ZO-1, ZO-2 in each group.
Results: :
Different blood derivatives have different concentrations of growth factors and electrocytes. Fetal blood serum has best cell proliferative and migratory supporting effects followed by cord blood serum and adult human serum. (P<0.01, P<0.001, respectively) Fresh frozen plasma has the least epitheliotrophic capacity. Scanning electron microscopy, TER and transepithelial diffusion assay demonstrated that cord blood serum and fetal bovine serum promote better cellular differentiation than adult human serum and fresh frozen plasma. However, there was no significant differences of the expression level of cell junctional proteins among each groups.
Conclusions: :
Different blood derivatives have different corneal epitheliotrophic capacity. Cord blood serum may provide better effects for corneal epithelial physiology than traditional adult human serum.
Keywords: cornea: clinical science • cornea: epithelium • cell adhesions/cell junctions