Purpose: :
To prepare a molecular library profile of biomolecules in non-fixed corneas, using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS).
Methods: :
Fresh, non-fixed corneas were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Cryostat sections were prepared from White Leghorn embryos and transferred to glass slides. Matrix solution was deposited on the tissue surface, and samples were then analyzed directly by MALDI mass spectrometry.
Results: :
Practical aspects for preparing chick corneal cryostat sections are presented. Optimizing matrix parameters, such as the type of matrix, concentration and solvent composition, are described. Profiles of a broad mass range of biomolecules in tissue sections were achieved.
Conclusions: :
using MALDI-IMS, a comprehensive molecular library is produced whose peaks can be scanned and analyzed in much greater detail and will provide valuable additional information in studies of the developing chick cornea.
Keywords: cornea: basic science • development • extracellular matrix