We previously screened the gene expression profile in retinal ischemia reperfusion injury by using the DNA microarray system and discovered many kinds of ß and γ-Crystallin gene were expressed in injured rat retina. However, the function of ß and γ-Crystallin expressed in extralenticular tissues is unknown. Our purpose is to characterize the ßB2-Crystallin induced in retinal ganglion cells after NMDA-receptor-mediated retinal apoptosis.
Intravitreal injections of 4nmol of NMDA were performed to male C57BL/6J mice (20-30g) after anesthesia. Retinas were collected at various time points after NMDA injection, and both protein and gene expression levels were measured by using Western blotting and real-time RT-PCR methods, respectively. Localization of ßB2-Crystallin proteins in injured retina was determined using the immunohistochemical methods.
On Western blotting, ßB2-Crystallin was induced in the retina after intravitreal injection of NMDA. The peak time point was at 6 hours after NMDA injection. ßB2-Crystallin gene expression level was gradually increased after NMDA injection. Immunohistochemical study showed that ßB2-Crystallin was expressed mainly in retinal ganglion cells but not in apoptosis cells.
ßB2-Crystallin was induced in the retinal ganglion cells after intravitreal injection of NMDA.
Keywords: crystallins • ganglion cells • apoptosis/cell death