May 2007
Volume 48, Issue 13
ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract  |   May 2007
The Most Commonly Called Ophthalmology Consultations and Subsequent Follow Up in an Urban Level One Trauma Center
Author Affiliations & Notes
  • D. Lazzaro
    SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, New York
  • M. E. Hajee
    SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, New York
  • M. Vastardi
    SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, New York
  • Footnotes
    Commercial Relationships D. Lazzaro, None; M.E. Hajee, None; M. Vastardi, None.
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    Support None.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science May 2007, Vol.48, 711. doi:
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      D. Lazzaro, M. E. Hajee, M. Vastardi; The Most Commonly Called Ophthalmology Consultations and Subsequent Follow Up in an Urban Level One Trauma Center. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2007;48(13):711.

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      © ARVO (1962-2015); The Authors (2016-present)

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Purpose:: To investigate the most common causes for both inpatient and outpatient ophthalmic consultations at a level one urban trauma hospital and track the subsequent follow up rates within the different diagnostic categories.

Methods:: A retrospective chart review of 743 consecutive emergency evaluations seen at Kings County Hospital Center by the ophthalmology service from 2003-2005 was performed. Ocular diagnosis, age, sex, vision, and compliance with follow up exam were evaluated.

Results:: Data was grouped into inpatients (307) and outpatients (436). These two groups were further subdivided into trauma and non trauma cases before classification into more specific disease entities. Of the 307 inpatient consults, 115 (37.46%) were trauma cases with orbital fracture being the most common diagnosis seen in 59 of the cases (51.3%). There were 192 (62.54%) inpatient non trauma consults and the majority were called for routine eye evaluations in patients with systemic diseases that may have had ocular manifestations. Compliance with follow up for the inpatients was considered 100% as patients were already in the hospital. The outpatient consults were also subdivided into trauma 284 (65%) and non trauma 152 (35%). 162 (57.04%) of the trauma patients were compliant with their follow up exam, while 122 (42.95%) were not compliant in showing up for their follow up visit. The most common diagnosis for the trauma outpatients was superficial corneal injury (23.45%) with most cases seen between ages 21 and 50. Orbital fractures were the second most common diagnosis in the outpatient group, 80% occurring in males between ages 21 and 50. 50% of the fracture patients that did not follow up were males between ages 50 and 60. Out of the 152 non trauma patients, 100 (65.78%) were compliant in following up, and 52 (34.21%) never returned for follow up. Conjunctivitis was the most common diagnosis of the non trauma cases, with compliance of follow up at 50%.

Conclusions:: Ocular injuries represent the most common diagnosis for ophthalmology consults requested at Kings County Hospital Center, a very busy urban public healthcare facility. Ocular/orbital trauma is most frequently seen in males with many middle aged individuals affected. Compliance and follow up was better in non trauma patients with chronic ocular pathologies compared to patients with acute traumatic injuries. With better counseling at the time of the emergency outpatient visit, it may be possible to increase the follow up visit rates in these patients who may be at risk for sight threatening complications.

Keywords: trauma • cornea: clinical science • eyelid 

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