To investigate the effect of interferon-alpha 2a in the treatment of experimental rabbit keratitis.
Sixty rabbits were included. After a preliminary study with 20 rabbits for the feasibility of the experimental model, 32 albino New-Zealand rabbits were included. One cornea of each rabbit were inoculated subepithellially with 5-pfu Herper Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV 1, Group 1). One corneas of eight rabbits were inoculated with balanced saline solution (Group 2). After 2 days in each group, 16 rabbits in the study group (Group 1a) were treated only with topical Trifluoridine solution (1%) and the remaining 16 rabbits (Group 1b) were treated with topical Trifluoridine solution (1%)+Interferon alpha-2a (30.000 IU/drop). Each solution was used as a drop with two hours interval between 08.00-20.00. The color photographs of the corneal lesions were evaluated planimetrically.
After 2 weeks’ treatment, corneal lesions in all rabbits in Group 1b improved when compared with pre-treatment lesions. In Group 1a, corneal lesions of 2 rabbits partially improved and keratouveitis secondary to endothelitis in a rabbit was detected The aquous PCR results revealed HSV 1 infection after 10 days in this rabbit. There was significant difference between Group 1a and Group 1b treatment results in planimetric analysis (p<0.01).
Trifluoridine (1%)+Interferon alpha 2a treatment showed better results compared with trifluoridine treatment. This result showed topically administered interferon alpha 2a as a potentially terapotic agent in HSV 1 keratitis.
Clinical Trial::
gmma supported study
Keywords: antiviral drugs • herpes simplex virus • keratitis