To assess the awareness of and response to contact lens-associated Fusarium keratitis among resident physicians and patients who wear contact lenses.
A written survey of all resident physicians in the internal medicine and family practice programs and all contact lens wearing patients at a primary care clinic and ophthalmology clinic between November 1, 2006 and November 14, 2006.
Among resident physicians, 16 of 28 (57%) had heard of Fusarium keratitis with 8 of 9 (89%) of contact lens wearers having heard of the infection. Of residents with knowledge of Fusarium keratitis, 11 of 16 (69%) learnt of the infection from a television program. Regarding patient education, 27 of 28 residents (96%) had never discussed Fusarium keratitis with a patient. After providing the resident physicians with literature from the FDA and CDC on Fusarium keratitis, 20 of 28 residents (71%) reported they would discuss Fusarium keratitis with all contacts lens wearing patients, and 7 of 28 residents (25%) stated they would discuss Fusarium keratitis with patients when asked. Among contact lens wearing patients, 34 of 47 (72%) had heard of Fusarium keratitis. Of those patients who had previously heard of Fusarium keratitis, 15 of 34 (44%) learnt of the infection from a television program and 13 of 34 (38%) learnt of the infection from their eye care professional. After learning of the infection, 25 of 34 (74%) switched lens cleaning solution and 9 of 34 (26%) did nothing because they were not using Renu with MoistureLoc and were already practicing good lens hygiene. After providing patients with literature from the FDA and CDC on Fusarium keratitis, 7 of 13 (54%) who had no prior knowledge of Fusarium keratitis stated they would change lens solution while 6 of 13 (46%) reported they were already in compliance with recommendations.
Approximately half of resident physicians and most of contact lens wearing patients had heard of Fusarium keratitis. Television was the most common way the knowledge was obtained in both groups. Prior to the study, very few resident physicians were discussing Fusarium keratitis with patients, but following the educational intervention, a majority stated they would discuss Fusarium keratitis with patients in the future.
Keywords: keratitis • fungal disease • cornea: clinical science