To evaluate the potential protective role against oxidative stress of overexpression of the proteasome catalytic subunit beta 5 in lens epithelial cells.
Cells from the human lens epithelial cell line SRA01/04 (LECs) were stably transfected either with a plasmid expressing the proteasome catalytic subunit beta5 or with an empty plasmid. Beta5-expressing LECs and controls were analyzed for the expression of beta1, beta2, beta5 and alpha1, alpha2, alpha6 proteasome subunits; chymotrypsin-like (CT-L) and peptidylglutamyl-peptide hydrolase (PGPH) catalytic activities; as well as for the accumulation of carbonylated proteins, rates of cell viability, and apoptosis after oxidative stress.
Stable expression of the beta5 proteasome subunit resulted in increased expression of the other beta catalytic subunits, increased CT-L and PGPH proteasome activities, and increased resistance to accumulation of carbonylated proteins and cell death after oxidative stress.
The proteasome can be genetically "up-regulated" in lens epithelial cells by overexpression of the beta1 and beta5 catalytic subunit. The resulting increase in proteasome activity leads to a decrease in the accumulation of oxidized proteins and enhanced cell survival following oxidative stress.
Keywords: antioxidants • oxidation/oxidative or free radical damage • cataract