To identify the possibility of senescence retardation in human corneal cells by investigating the cellular protective effects of ovophospholipids (OPL) against oxidative stress.
The proliferation and protective effects of OPL was assessed by MTT assay in 0.5-3.0% OPL-treated human corneal epithelial (HCEC) and stromal (HCSC) cells. Cell cycle analysis was performed by RT-PCR of cyclins and CDKs. Messenger RNA expressions of IL-1 and MMP-9 were also investigated by RT-PCR. The expression of senescence marker, ß-galactosidase, was compared between high and low passage numbers of HCEC and HCSC by X-gal staining.
OPL-treated HCEC and HCSC showed retarded cell proliferation, but they did not showed any evidence of cell death. The mRNA expression of IL-1ß was decreased in OPL-treated human corneal cells, dose dependently. The ß-galactosidase expression levels between control and OPL-treated different passage numbers of cells did not significantly different.
OPL treatment can protect the human corneal cells against oxidative stress, but more studies are required to identify their senescence retardation activities.
Keywords: aging • cornea: basic science • oxidation/oxidative or free radical damage