Ultrathin posterior chamber lenses as used on bimanual phacoemulsification may be associated with less resistance to capsular shrinkage followed by IOL decentration. This study compares the results after implantation combined with or without capsular bag tension ring.
In two prospective studies consisting each of 50 eyes of 50 patients, using either the Wavelight MICS 46 CSE, (Wavelight, Berlin, Germany) with bag tension ring or its succeeding model L-303 without a ring the long term post operative IOL centration was observed. Follow ups were taken 1 day, 1 month, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post operatively with special regard to intra- and postoperative IOL centring, vaulting, tilting, subjective disturbance and secondary cataract formation. Twenty-four months results for the 46 CSE and 9 months results for the L-303 are presented.
The results of the MICS 46 CSE study have been presented at ARVO 2006. The 46 MICS CSE demonstrated after 24 months subjective satisfaction with good centration without capsular bag shrinkage in 60 %. Capsular shrinkage with axial decentration of less degree occurred in 4 %, significant secondary cataract formation in 25 %. In the first 9 months follow ups the L-303 showed none of the complications mentioned above. Capsular bag shrinkage could not be observed at all. Only in 10 % a slight axial decentration without impact on visual comfort could be found. Also morphological deviations like IOL vaulting, tilting or secondary cataract were missing after the first 9 months.
The MICS 46 CSE with bag tension ring as well as its succeeding model L-303 without a ring qualify for implantation through a small incision (1.7 mm) regarding good long term centration. The L-303 shows better results with significantly less disturbances like decentration and halos than the MICS 46 CSE which might be explained by problems in locking of the capsular bag tension ring. However, so far only 9 months follow up are available. Further investigations are ongoing to confirm the first results.
Keywords: cataract • optical properties • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications