To demonstrate the potential for the use of AlloDerm as a posterior lamellar graft in the reconstruction of full thickness lid defects.
Two patients, one each with an upper eyelid defect and lower lid defect following tumour excision had AlloDerm grafts to replace the posterior lamella. The AlloDerm graft was directly sutured to the tarsal plate and to the lower lid retractors of the lower lid and levator palpabre superioris of the upper lid respectively. The skin flap mobilised laterally for the lower lid and from a Cutler Beard flap for the upper lid defects was sutured to the AlloDerm graft along the refashioned margin to form the mucocutaneous junction.
AlloDerm was readily taken up into the wound defect, with complete coverage of its bulbar surface by conjunctiva. In both the cases, the cornea was not affected by its contact to the AlloDerm. A mucocutaneous junction formed over the margin of the AlloDerm graft with good cosmesis.
AlloDerm has the potential to act as an effective posterior lamellar substitute in situations where there is an adequate amount of skin available to drape over it. Use of AlloDerm as an alternative for the posterior lamella alleviates the necessity for another donor site to be operated upon which in turn can relatively reduce the recovery time for the patients as well as save theatre operating time.
Keywords: eyelid • tumors • wound healing