Retrospective analysis of our clinical experience in topography-guided EpiLASIK enhancements using the WaveLight Concept 500 Hz system (WaveLight Technologie AG, Erlangen, Germany) after primary surface ablation for the correction of ametropia
29 eyes of 23 patients with irregular astigmatism with or without myopia or hyperopia after primary surface ablation underwent topography-guided retreatment using the WaveLight Concept 500 Hz excimer laser system.An epithelial flap with a nasal hinge was generated using a Keratome (Epivision, Gebauer, Germany). Photoablation was performed with a Wavelight Concept 500 Excimer Laser. After photoablation the epithelial flap was repositioned and secured with a soft bandage contact lens (Pure Vision, Bausch & Lomb). 3 days after surgery the contact lens was removed.Preoperative BSCVA, UCVA, SE and cylinder as well as topography parameters obtained with the ALLEGRETTO Topolyzer - ISV (Index of Surface Variance), IVA (Index of Vertical Asymmetry), IHA (Index of Height Asymmetry) and ABR (Coefficient of Aberration) - were compared with 3 months post-operative measurements.
The results of this case series indicate that topography-guided retreatment for the enhancement of irregular astigmatism in eyes previously treated with surface ablation for the correction of ametropia is safe and effective in correcting residual refractive error and reducing corneal irregularity - including astigmatism and corneal aberrations - when reliable and reproducible measurements are achieved.
Keywords: cornea: epithelium • refractive surgery: corneal topography • refractive surgery: other technologies