to evaluate the functional and anatomical outcome of lamellar macular hole surgery.
twenty consecutive eyes of 20 patients with lamellar macular hole, assessed by OCT, underwent pars plana vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling. In 85% of the eyes residual undetached cortical vitreous was found at the posterior pole after posterior vitreous detachment. Air was used as internal tamponade.BCVA and OCT data were evaluated preoperatively and 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery.
80% of the patient had improved vision by 2 or more lines, 20% of the eyes remained stable (+/- 1lines), none had decreased vision by 2 or more lines. The mean BCVA improved from 20/45 to 20/23; the mean foveal thickness increased from 99 micron to 175 micron. All lamellar holes were closed after a single surgery.
this study suggests that macular surgery achieves excellent anatomical closure and is associated with significant functional improvement.
Keywords: macular holes • vitreoretinal surgery