This study was performed to elucidate the role of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) in lens epithelial cell proliferation.
Capsular bag were prepared from pocrine eyes and maintained in a 5% CO2 incubator. The NF-ΚB translocation was confirmed immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis. And activation of NF-ΚB was inhibited by sulfasalazine, a inhibitor of NF-ΚB. And the effect of sulfasalazine was also observed in lens epithelial cell. The effect of inhibitors was observed by phase contrast microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
NF-ΚB was found in cytoplasm of non-proliferated lensepithalial cells. However, NF-ΚB moved to nucleus in proliferation cells, PCNA positive cells. This translocation was inhibited by treatment with sulfasalazine or NF-ΚB SN50 peptide. And also, the inhibitors blocked lens epithelial cell migration from equatorial to posterior capsule.
NF-ΚB has been found to play an important role in the control of proliferation and regulate the growth of lens epithelial cells. The inhibition of cell proliferation by sulfasalazine and NF-ΚB SN50 peptide was observed in capsular bag model. This finding suggests that the regulation of NF-kappaB in lens epithelial cells be able to modulate posterior capsule opacification.
Keywords: cataract • proliferation • signal transduction