Intravitreal Bevacizumab application is an off label treatment of exsudative AMD. AMD can be accompanied by epiretinal membranes. We conducted this pilot study to investigate the efficacy of pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peeling and a single dose of intravitreally administered Bevacizumab (Avastin®) 1,25 mg in patients with confluent drusen or subfoveal CNV secondary to AMD and epiretinal membranes
10 Patients with recent onset of decreased vision (equal or less than 20/63) secondary to advanced AMD and vitreoretinal traction seen in OCT examination were offered vitrectomy surgery combined with membrane peeling and injection of 1,25 mg Bevacizumab. Before, and 3 month after treatment visual acuity, angiography and OCT examination were performed. Visual acuity measurements and an eye examination were done on the first and second day and after 4 weeks.
Vitrectomy, membrane peeling and intravitreal application of Bevacizumab was well tolerated and we had no complications. In all patients the visual acuity was stabilized or improved. Fluorescein angiography showed less leakage and on OCT retinal thickness was reduced.
AMD lesions can be accompanied by epiretinal membranes. Vitrectomy, membrane peeling and intravitreal application of Bevacizumab can easily be performed. In this pilot study visual acuity was improved and retinal thickness and leackage were reduced. Further study is warranted to prove wether this procedure is a therapeutic option for treatment of advanced AMD with epiretinal membranes.
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration • vitreoretinal surgery • macula/fovea