To evaluate in vitro effectiveness of CL group /multipurpose CL solution combinations to inhibit fungal contamination.
Four different commercial soft contact lenses(group I-IV) were placed in sterile disposable contact lens cases in 2ml of either ReNu MoistureLoc(ML), ReNu MultiPlus(MP) or OPTI-FREE RepleniSH(Opti) and 0.5 McFarland of Fusarium oxysporum and incubated at 25°c. Quantitative mycologic analysis was conducted after 24,48,and72-hour incubation.
Fusarium was recovered from all 12 lens/solution combinations after 24-hours. Fungal contamination was observed for all Group II solution combinations. Growth was documented in Group I for MP and Opti and in Group III/IV for ML and MP. No Fusarium was recovered after 48 hours for any of the 12 CL group/solution combinations.
The combination of contact lens group and contact lens solution may impact the effectiveness of current contact lens disinfection systems to prevent fungal contamination.
Keywords: fungal disease • contact lens • microbial pathogenesis: experimental studies