To identify the possible agent of DUSN in a population of 20 patients with this disease confirmed by the presense of the worm
This population was asked about previous or concomitant infection of cutaneous larva migrans and Elisa for Toxocara canis was performed. The morphology of one case of larger worm was analyzed by one parisotologist.
Eight patients reported to have previous infection of cutaneouslarva migrans. Two patients had concomitant cutaneous larva migrans and only four patients had a positive IgG Elisa for Toxocara canis. In one case of a larger worm we could identify the hook and the worm was classified as an ancylostomideo by a parasitologist.
There is a strong association of DUSN and cutaneous larva migrnas. Ancylostoma caninum can be one of the possible agents of DUSN.
Keywords: inflammation • retinochoroiditis • uveitis-clinical/animal model