To investigate the influence of the secondary implantation site of the Artisan® (Ophtec) iris-claw intraocular lens (IOL) on high order aberrations (HOAs) using wavefront analysis in aphakic patients.
Twenty aphakic patients (20 eyes) who had complicated phacoemulsification, leaving no capsular support, but good iris support and clear unwounded cornea implantated with the aphakic Artisan (Ophtec,Groningen, Germany) intraocular lens site either implanted retropupilarely or over the iris. Wavefront aberrations were measured using the IRX3 Hartmann-Shack aberrometer at 4 mm pupil aperture diameter.
Nine patients were implanted in the anterior chamber versus 11 who had the IOL clipped behind the iris. Best corrected visual acuity was significantly higher and HOAs were significantly lower in the retropupilarely implanted group.
In addition to being atraumatic, the Artisan® intraocular lens implanted behind the iris may restore vision in the absence of capsular support in a more physiological way than when fixated over the iris.
Keywords: cataract • visual acuity • intraocular lens